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Category: Sourdough Adventures

Sourdough Biscotti

Who doesn’t love biscotti? I was very happy to find a recipe for sourdough biscotti. Let me tell you, this is absolutely delicious….if you can manage to chisel off a bite! I have never in all my years tried to eat anything this hard… hard candy excluded of course!! I’m talking “Ellie Mae biscuit” hard, from the tv sitcom The Beverly Hillbillies. Remember her biscuits could knock down a door! I’m talking break your tooth right out of your mouth, hard!! What good is all that deliciousness if you cannot bite it? I realize biscotti is to be dipped in coffee or tea but even at that it is undeniably hard. The good news is that if you have an infant that is trying to cut a tooth…here is your teething biscuit!! Just take some with you in your car and if someone tries to grab you just poke them in the eye with a biscotti and change their point of view!!!

Laying all jokes aside, this biscotti has a wonderful flavor and I intend to find a way to create a recipe that will not require a hammer a chisel to eat it. Bottom line is, that there are many recipes floating around on the internet. Some good…but some that need improvement! If you come across one that doesn’t suit your taste, don’t stop trying! Look for ways to tweak the recipe and make it into one that you and your family will love.

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It’s Sourdough Baking Time

I just had to make this! I designed and made this today, and I love it! To me, every day is sourdough baking time! If you love sourdough baking like I do, I am sure you agree. I will put a link here in case any of you would like to order one.

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This is where my Sourdough Adventure begins!

A place like this is where all sourdough tales begin. I don’t know about you but I felt very intimidated trying to get my starter going. There are many posts online as well as numerous video tutorials on YouTube, and many of them make it look as simple as flipping a pancake! From the start, you know that bubbles should form if the starter is active. But nothing prepares you for the disappointment of a bubbleless starter. At this point some may decide this is not for them! However, even though you don’t see the bubbles you so desire, as soon as you would like, (1 hour later or at the very latest the next day!), the bubbles are forming, quietly unobserved! Just be patient!! After all, I am sure you have heard that Rome wasn’t built in a day!! Neither will your fully active starter appear right away. It takes time.

I can’t express how delighted I was to see bubbles forming in my jar of starter! Finally. Now I can bake up all the delicious things I have been looking at online! But alas, you cannot judge a book by it’s cover, neither can you judge a recipe by the photo!! It takes making and tasting the recipe to determine whether it is a keeper or not.

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